Rosa Brothers Milk Company Honored at California Small Business Day 2018 by Senator Andy Vidak
(Sacramento, CA- June 19, 2018) On Tuesday, June 19th, Rosa Brothers Milk Company was honored by Andy Vidak at California Small Business DayTM as Small Business of the Year in Senate District 14. Rosa Brothers Milk Company was celebrated for its hard work and dedication to the community.
“It was an honor to welcome Noel Rosa to the Capitol today,” states Senator Vidak. “Rosa Brothers Milk Company is an outstanding small business and we are lucky to have them in the Central Valley. Noel, Rolland, and all of their employees have built their business into one of the best dairies in California and their high-quality products are very popular across the entire state. Their story is one of inspiration and determination and they are a perfect example of how small businesses are the backbone of our economy and provide much needed jobs in our communities.”
California Small Business Day honored 75 small businesses for their contribution to the state’s economy. Small business contributes to 75% of California’s gross state product and over half of the state’s private sector jobs. From hardware stores to manufacturers, small businesses are engrained in California’s communities and economy.
Noel and Rolland Rosa, third generation dairy farmers, began production of their milk and ice cream in September 2012 with a handful of stores selling their products. The Rosa Brothers have remained true to their local roots while ensuring the freshest and highest quality milk and ice cream products. Today, Rosa Brothers Milk Company products can be found in over 750 locations throughout California.
“California’s small businesses are the economic engine of our state,” said Betty Jo Toccoli, President of the California Small Business Association. “Rosa Brothers Milk Company was celebrated for their successful small business and contributions to the community.”
“We are truly honored to be recognized by Senator Vidak on California Small Business Day, states Noel Rosa, President of Rosa Brothers Milk Company. “We have a great team of employees that work hard to produce the freshest, best-tasting milk products possible and we are happy to share our family’s farm fresh products with California consumers.”